Contact Medical Examiner’s Office
Request Autopsy Report
To receive a copy of an autopsy report, please email your request to Include the decedents name, date of birth and date of death. It typically takes 60-90 days for an autopsy report to be completed and finalized. Once the report has been completed, we will respond to your email with an attachment/link.
Authority for Release
Authority for Release by Medical Examiner’s Office to Funeral Home.
–Medical Examiner
4501 Ave A
The office is open, to the public and funeral homes, 8:30 am until 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday, excluding St. Johns County Board of County Commission holidays.
After hours and holidays, please call our main number (904) 209-0820 and Press ‘2’ to be transferred to the on-call investigator.
–Wendolyn Sneed, M.D. Chief Medical Examiner
F: 800-255-8617