Transportation Development Division


Responsible for transportation technical development, transit, and transportation planning and concurrency.

Our Responsibilities

Development Technical

The Technical Division is responsible for the review, construction inspection, and acceptance of all privately-funded development projects. The reviews include a variety of projects, including but not limited to subdivisions, commercial developments, roadway construction and extensions, residential grading plans, and floodplain management reports. Reviews typically focus on site access, drainage, roadway improvements, traffic conveyance, and proper road construction.


St. Johns County is the recipient of public transportation assistance funding from both state and federal sources. As a recipient, St. Johns County is responsible for the administration and management of that funding in providing public transportation services throughout the County which includes both fixed route and demand response services. Fixed route service provides service along designated routes at specified times. Demand response service provides door to door services for citizens who are unable to access the fixed route but qualify as transportation disadvantaged.

Transportation Planning / Concurrency

Transportation Planning efforts include immediate and long term coordination and planning to achieve a balanced transportation system (safe and efficient) for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians, including development of the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan and the Traffic Circulation Plan, as well as implementation and management of the Concurrency Management System to maintain adopted levels of service. Transportation Planning is also responsible for the review of development projects for consistency with transportation planning efforts and concurrency, and coordinates with other local, state, and regional agencies such as the North Florida TPO, Northeast Florida Regional Council, and Florida DOT on transportation issues.


Dick D’Souza Growth Management Assistant Director Transportation

Jan Trantham Senior Transportation Planner

Transportation Planning / Concurrency

Rachel Garvey Transit Grants Planner

Transit Development
