Building Department
The Building Department permits and inspects construction activity in St. Johns County to protect the life, health and property of our community. Our contractor licensing program ensures that contractors have demonstrated the knowledge and experience required to perform their trade.
Structural Safety Condo Inspections
New structural safety inspection requirements for residential condominiums and cooperatives of three (3) stories or more have been adopted by the State.
St. Johns County Extends Building and Permit Fee Reductions for Local Businesses and Residents
In order to provide relief for local businesses and residents who are recovering from the impact of COVID-19, the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners extended a 30 percent reduction in all general building permit fees. Specific reduced fees include those related to development review, fire safety inspections, residential and commercial demolition, swimming pool fees, as well as electrical, gas, plumbing, mechanical, and irrigation permit fees. The fee reductions are in effect until further notice. For more information, please call St. Johns County Building Department at 904.827.6800, or view the updated Fee Schedule below.
Wind-Borne Debris Regions in St. Johns County
The current 2020 Florida Building Code wind design and wind borne debris criteria is currently based on ASCE 7-16 and may be determined by entering the project location using the ATC Hazards by Location website ( Projects that will be permitted after December 31, 2023 will utilize the wind design load from ASCE 7-2022.
Getting Started
Check inspection history and permit status. Calculate fees. Create Reports. Contractor Search. Online tools to help your project succeed.

Online Management Tools
- Permit Status – Check inspection history and permit status.
- Cost Estimator – Calculate permit and plan review fees.
- Reports – Create reports about permit activity.
- Plan Log – View plan review comments and status.
- Contractor Search – Verify that a contractor is registered and allowed to work in St. Johns County.
- Private Account – Schedule or cancel inspections online.
- Online Permits – Permit mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and irrigation.
Building Permits
Contractor Licensing
Records Management
Permits are required for most improvements before any work begins. The property owner must determine if a permit is required to avoid additional fees or penalties.
The permit holder is responsible for scheduling all required inspections before any work is covered or concealed. Before scheduling any inspections, follow the procedures provided on the Inspection Information page to avoid service fees or penalties.
Hiring an unlicensed contractor is a violation of Florida Statute 455.228 and is subject to a $5,000 fine. Before hiring a contractor go to Contractor Licensing to learn more.
Building Codes and Standards includes links to access this information online.
The complete set of construction documents that have been reviewed and stamped by the Building Department must be on site for all inspections. If the pages are damaged or missing, you can purchase a new set of stamped plans from our office. Email for more information.
Records can be requested through email Or a form Public Records Request Form can be filled out and submitted to the Records Management Team Please indicate if a new set of stamped plans (Job Copy) is required from our office so we can expedite your request. Once completed staff will contact you for fees due and when they will be available for pick-up. *Please allow sufficient time for staff to accommodate your request in a timely manner.
Your permit is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance and/or your last approved inspection. 90 day extensions are available for a fee, by written request only, subject to the approval of the Building Official.
Changes or revisions made to the reviewed set of construction documents must be submitted to the Permit Center for approval. Contact Building Department if you are planning any changes, before the work is done.
Most construction projects require comprehensive planning, technical knowledge and multiple trade skills to be successful. Property owners that choose to apply for a building permit must comply with Florida Statute 489.103, chapter 7 and all other applicable laws.
Review the Building Codes & Standards links to ensure that the proposed design and construction details meet the current requirements. The St. Johns County Development Review Manual describes additional rules and procedures that must be followed, and the Permit Information page describes how to begin the permit process.
If you choose to hire a contractor to perform some or all of the work, check Contractor Search to verify the current status of their license.
The current 2020 Florida Building Code wind design and wind borne debris criteria is currently based on ASCE 7-16 and may be determined by entering the project location using the ATC Hazards by Location website ( Projects that will be permitted after December 31, 2023 will utilize the wind design load from ASCE 7-2022.