Utility Department


Our Mission: To serve our customers by providing safe, reliable drinking water and environmentally responsible wastewater treatment at affordable rates while emphasizing customer service and protecting our environment.

Utility Department 2023 Annual Report

Great Water
Great Community


$191 Million State Road 207 Water Reclamation Facility Approved

During the Dec. 19th regular meeting, the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved Phase 2 of the State Road 207 Water Reclamation Facility Project. This included awarding the Design-Build Agreement with Jacobs Project Management Co., for the New SR 207 Water Reclamation Facility and Associated Improvements for a total not-to-exceed amount of $191,820,000 including a contingency of $6,230,000. Water Reclamation Facility Approved

$4.6 Million Utilities Lab with Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony and Open House

Today, St. Johns County held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the new $4.6 million St. Johns County Utilities Lab. The new facility includes lab-specific, corrosion-resistant cabinets and countertops, a walk-in cooler for sample storage, lab sinks with de-ionized water on tap, and a backup generator for continuous power. St. Johns County Celebrates Utilities Lab

Approved Reduction in Water and Wastewater Customer Usage Rates by 3%

St. Johns County Reduces Water and Wastewater Customer Usage Rates by 3% – The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution on June 20, 2023, for a 3% reduction in customer usage rates for water and wastewater provided by the St. Johns County Utility Department (SJCUD). Overall, about 90% of water customers could see a decrease in their monthly bill. SJCUD is a non-profit utility and serves approximately 54,000 water customer accounts and 45,000 wastewater customer accounts. The usage rate reduction goes into effect on July 1, 2023. Water and Wastewater Rate Reduction

Online Services & Tools

Pay Your Bill

Pay your water bill online and set up your account for AutoPay.

Pay Water Bill
Boil Water Alerts

Get Boil Water Notice Alerts through the Alert St. Johns Emergency Network or call the Boil Water Notice Hotline at (904) 209-2731.

Sign Up for Alerts
Utilities Maps and Apps

Helpful and time saving maps & apps such as construction projects, events and services.

View Maps and Apps


Popular Forms


How can I pay my utility bill?

There are currently several ways of paying for your Utility bill. They are:

What are the current rates for Utility Services?

View the current rates for Utility Services.

My water has been shut off, what do I need to do?

Contact Customer Service at (904) 209-2700, Option 4, Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.

How do I report a problem involving water or sewer service?

To report problems such as leaks, no water, low water pressure or liftstation alarms, please call (904) 209-2700 during regular business hours of 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Please call (904) 209-2745 after hours, on weekends or on holidays.