County Improves Traffic Safety on CR 210 and Cumberland Park Drive Location

Due to heavy traffic volume during morning and evening hours at the Cumberland Park Drive location on County Road 210, the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution at the regular meeting on Aug. 1 to authorize County staff to engage St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office Public Assistance Deputies for traffic control at the intersection of CR 210 and Cumberland Park Drive. Providing traffic control measures on CR 210 to assist with cars exiting and entering Cumberland Park Drive is a matter of public safety. The County will use $100,000 from the Transportation Trust Fund for this enhanced public safety service. The project to widen CR 210 between CE Wilson Road and the existing six-lane portion of CR 210 in the Twin Creeks subdivision includes the installation of a signalized intersection at Cumberland Park Drive/Badger Park Drive and CR 210. A standalone project for traffic signal installation is preparing for bidding. The project’s construction is estimated to be completed in nine and 12 months. During this time, the County will work with the Sheriff’s Office to provide Public Service Assistants for temporary traffic control at this intersection until the signalized intersection is complete. The widening project is a developer’s responsibility that still needs to be fulfilled. The County is pursuing the widening with the anticipation that the developer will reimburse the County for the portion of their required responsibility per the developer agreement, including the costs associated with this temporary traffic control at this intersection.
