Veterans’ Services

St. Johns County Declared Purple Heart County and Raises POW/MIA Flag
St. Johns County honored more than 40 purple heart recipients and was declared a Purple Heart County at a Board of County Commissioners meeting. In conjunction with the declaration, the County also held a ceremony raising the Prisoner of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) Flag for the first time, and in perpetuity, over the County Administration and Health and Human Services buildings to commemorate those who are prisoners of war or remain missing in action. For more information on Veterans Services in St. Johns County, please call 904.209.6160.
Our Services
The Veterans Services Office assists veterans and their dependents in applying for benefits to which they are entitled under Federal or State Law or Regulations by reason of Active Military Service in the Armed Forces of the United States. This includes, but is not limited to, preparation of formal claims and appeals relating to Compensation, Education, Loan Guaranty for Homes, Special Adapted Housing, Pension, Medical Care, Insurance, Burial Benefits and related matters.
St. Johns County Counselors
Joseph D. (Mac) McDermott
Senior Service Officer (CVSO)
Lori Chapman
Assistant Veterans Service Officer (ACVSO)
Shauna Holton
Assistant Veterans Service Officer (ACVSO)
Andrew Ashcom
Assistant Veterans Service Officer (ACVSO)
External Resources
You might be surprised! We encounter many veterans and surviving spouses of veterans who had no idea that they are eligible for monthly compensation from the VA. Whether you are active duty, National Guard, or Reserve for any branch of the military (including United Public Health Service) the best way to find out what you may be entitled to is make an appointment to come see one of our Veteran Service Officers.
All St Johns County Veteran Service Officers are accredited with the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs, and they are all veterans themselves. Expect to spend about an hour with your VSO in a private office setting. You will be interviewed to determine what benefits you may be eligible for. If possible, your VSO can potentially file your claim that day. If your claim needs further development, you may be given “homework” on documents or information to collect and come back.
This is a general list, more specific documents based on an individual claim may be needed.
- DD 214 or separation documentation
- copy of private medical doctors notes with the conditions that you are wanting to file a claim for service connection for
- if you are filing for death benefits, long copy of the death certificate and copy of the funeral bill showing a zero balance
- if married a copy of the marriage certificate
- if the veteran has minor children a copy of the birth certificates
- banking information including name of the bank, routing number and account number
We do not issue veterans ID cards. The VA offers these through their website. Visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website to find out >> How to apply for a Veteran ID Card. The only way to apply for this ID card is online. If you want a F.D.V.A ID card for veterans that are 100% P&T, we can assist you with filling out the application and submitting for this card.
If you have been to the office before, your VSO may be able to assist you without you coming into the office. If you have not been to the office before, you will need to make an appointment to sit down with one of our highly qualified VSO’s to get the appropriate verification and letter for the Tax Appraisers office.
Some benefits and medical care require wartime service. War time service is defined as to be considered a wartime veteran, that individual needs to have served at least one day of their active duty service during a time in which the United States was actively involved in official combat.
As specified in law, the US Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes these war periods:
- World War I
April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918 - World War II
December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946 - Korean War
June 27, 1950 to January 31, 1955 - Vietnam War ** Additional dates of eligibility may apply. Please contact our office.
August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975 - Gulf War
August 2, 1990 to present