Pets of the Week
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
Adoptable Pets! Check out our adoptable pets at St. Johns County Pet Finder and don’t forget about our featured Pets of the Week below!
Our goal is to make Pet Center pets as comfortable and stress free as possible while we helping them find their forever homes.
Ways You Can HelpFriends of the Pet Center is a non-profit that helps support Pet Center pets and holds offsite adoption events.
Support FOSJCPCLocal animal shelters and rescue groups can be great places to search for a new cat, dog, bird, or small animal.
Humane Society TipsAdoption Information
All pets released from our shelter, adopted or claimed; must be microchipped. If the pet is not, there is a microchip fee $10.
Dog Adoptions – Males: $45, Females: $60
Includes $10.00 microchip fee if needed, spay / neuter, rabies vaccinations and shots.
Cat Adoptions – Males: $30, Females: $40
Includes $10.00 microchip fee if needed, spay / neuter, rabies vaccinations and shots.
Location: 130 N. Stratton Road, just off US-1 between County Road 210 and International Golf Parkway.
Hours: Open Tuesday through Friday: 9:00am – 4:30pm and Saturday: 9:00am – 4:00pm.
Monday: Closed to the public except for scheduled appointments to claim lost pets. No drop offs. Sunday: Closed.
For more information, call the Pet Center at (904) 209-6190.