South Ponte Vedra FEMA Category G Project


Recent hurricanes and northeasters have severely eroded South Ponte Vedra Beach (SPV). The proposed project sand placement volume is 610,000 cubic yards (about 22 cy/ft. on average). This is a dredge project.

The northern end of this project area is 2539 S Ponte Vedra Blvd., while the southern end is 3175 S Ponte Vedra Blvd. This project will tie in with the northern end of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Coastal Storm Risk Management (CSRM) project which just wrapped up its second nourishment in December 2023.

The design calls for a dune with a crest width of 15 ft. and an elevation varying between 14 and 16.5 ft. NAVD alongshore, and a berm with a width varying between 30 and 40 ft. and an elevation varying between 10 and 12.5 ft. NAVD alongshore.


Sources of project funding include the State of Florida post-Ian/Nicole emergency grant and FEMA Category G. The County is pursuing FEMA Cat G funding and has already secured State funding to reconstruct the project.


The County has a joint coastal permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) (0340616-003-JC Attachment D) and a Department of Army permit from the USACE (SAJ-2018-00349 Attachment D).

An Erosion Control Line (ECL) has been established throughout the project area.

Anticipated Timeline

The County is in the process of procuring an Engineering firm for the project. The contract was approved by the Board of County Commissioners at the July 16, 2024 meeting.

The Beach Brief – An E-newsletter for Timely Updates on St. Johns County Beach Projects

St. Johns County remains dedicated to providing our residents, visitors, and businesses with timely and accurate information regarding current and upcoming St. Johns County beach projects. The monthly “Beach Brief” provides subscribers with an overview of beach renourishment, dune enhancement, and other major coastal projects.

Dredge pipe is stacked for storage.