Lost or Found Pet

Above All…
Remain Paws-itive!
What You Can Do
- Report to Animal Control! Report the lost or found pet to your local Animal Control agency.
- Report to local rescues – Report the pet to any local Rescue Organizations.
- Contact veterinarian practices in your area.
- Microchip
- Lost Pet – If your pet has a microchip, contact the company to send out alerts.
- Found Pet – Take the found animal to a local Veterinarian or Animal Control agency to be scanned for a microchip.
- Use Social Media! Facebook’s St. Augustine Lost Pets, SWIP-SWAP St. Augustine, NextDoor or Lost and Found Pets of N.E. Florida!
- Craigslist of St. Augustine – Lost and Found and Pets Section
- Put up signs where the pet was lost or found!
- Nearby businesses may allow lost animal postings.
- Message boards – Neighborhood developments sometimes have local message boards. Check with your HOA to see if you have a Lost Pets page!
The Importance of Microchipping
- Only about 22% of lost dogs that enter animal shelters were reunited with their families. The return-to-owner rate for microchipped dogs was over 52 percent (a 238 percent increase).
- Less than 2% of lost cats that entered the animal shelters were reunited with their families. The return-to-owner rate for microchipped cats was dramatically higher at over 38 percent (more than 2000 percent better).
- The American Humane Association estimates over 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen in the U.S. every year.
- Don’t let your pet be another sad statistic. Microchipping substantially increases the likelihood of them returning home by offering reliable, unique, and permanent identification for just $10.00.
Call the St. Johns County Pet Center at 904-209-6190 and schedule your appointment today!