Vilano Beach Town Center
Viva Vilano! Vilano Beach Main Street, Inc. announces its newest video release highlighting the style, personality, and history of St. Johns County’s Vilano Beach. The Vilano Beach Town Center is a walkable half mile area between two waterfronts with a unique sense of place. It is located two miles over the Intracoastal Waterway from St. Augustine, the oldest city in America founded in 1565; and became a Florida Main Street Community in 2003. Visit the Vilano Beach Town Center website to learn more about this unique waterfront destination.
Vilano Beach Town Center
A Unique Waterfront Business Destination – The success of Vilano Beach Town Center is the result of a 10 year vision, planning and implementation process between St. Johns County and the North Shores Improvement Association. Millions of dollars of grant funding have been received from federal, state, regional and local sources for planning and public improvements. The partnership receives technical assistance as a designated Waterfronts Florida Community and a Florida Main Street Community. Honored with a Sustainable Florida Award, as well as regional awards for the Town Center Master Plan and Design, Vilano Beach Town Center is a unique waterfront business destination. VBTC Marketing Handout. (January 2008)
Business Recruitment Study
This report addresses the feasibility of retail development in the Vilano Beach Town Center, near downtown St. Augustine, in St. Johns County, Florida. The study updates earlier work on potential commercial development at this location prepared in 2005. (January 2008)
Vilano Report Cover | Table of Contents |
Executive Summary | Introduction |
1 B Section 2 | 1 C Section 3 |
Conclusion | Appendix |
Vilano Beach Town Center Brochure (January 2007) The brochure gives an overview of the Town Center’s Vision, History and Economic Incentives. It has a visual interpretation of the Town Center Mixed Use Land Use Designation and related Regulatory Standards. VBTC Brochure.
Architectural Design Models

Vilano Beach Town Center Landscaping (March 2008) Private property pieces that complement the existing streetscape design and which may be placed within the Right-of-Way subject to zoning requirements and design standards including plants, benches/tables, planters, litter receptacles, paving materials. VBTC Landscaping.
Vilano Beach Commercial District Gibbs Retail Market Analysis (June 12, 2005) The Gibbs Study gives detailed Economic and Market related information in support of the mixture of commercial/businesses in order to make this a successful economic redevelopment area. Please see Executive Summary pages 1-19.