What is the maximum building height for St. Johns County?
Thirty-five feet, except in special planned unit developments where regulations may vary.
How many animals can I have in residential areas?
Residential districts are limited to no more than five (5) household pets. Additional pets require special use approval.
Where are the setbacks measured?
Setbacks are measured to the eaves or any portion of a structure thirty inches (30”) off-grade. There is an allowance […]
What are fencing requirements for pools, above ground and below ground?
All pools are required to be fenced unless the yard is fenced. Above ground, if wall is over four (4) […]
What are residential setbacks?
RS-1 Residential Single Family RS-2 & RS-3 Residential Single Family OR – Open Rural RMH – Residential Mobile Home RMH (S) – Residential Mobile Home/Single Family
How many people can live in a single family residence?
A single family residence can be occupied by no more than three (3) unrelated persons.
May I take care of children in my home?
A family day care, which limits the number of children to those of two (2) unrelated families, (defined by F.S.) […]
May I operate my business from my home?
If it is a home office only with no employees and it is designated residential. There are restrictions on signage, […]
What are the setbacks for accessory uses?
Accessory uses are required to meet the minimum structure setbacks, unless it is separated from the main structure by ten […]
What is a special use permit?
A use described by the Land Development Code that requires approval by the Planning and Zoning Agency in a public hearing. Some […]